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來源:http://owlshollowfarm.com/   日期:2020-12-02   瀏覽量:0


Blowers have a long history. In the past, small blowers were used in the stoves at home to blast and burn more vigorously. The industrial blower can be traced back to the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, people invented a kind of blower which used hydraulic power as power for metallurgical casting industry. It had the characteristics of real industrial machinery. By the Ming Dynasty, there had been piston blower.



Blower, which is not often mentioned in many ancient Chinese inventions, was introduced into Europe in the 12th century and is the principle ancestor of Western invention of steam engine. It can be said that blower promoted the invention of industrial machinery and laid a certain scientific and technological foundation for the arrival of industrial revolution


Now the small blowers used in home stoves have been gradually eliminated with the progress of life style, but in industrial production, blowers still play an irreplaceable role.


The principle of blower is to use pressure to realize fluid movement, which is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, food, mine, pneumatic conveying, textile printing and dyeing, papermaking machinery and other industries.


Generally speaking, blowers have two main uses in these industries.


One is to make the gas flow through the blower to achieve the role of clean air, such as in the mine, more inert gas, and less oxygen content. The blower can exhaust inert gas, leaving more space to accommodate the outside oxygen, which can prevent workers from hypoxia and asphyxia. In the chemical industry, blowers can accelerate the flow of gas, thus achieving clean air environment or accelerating gas collection.


The other is to transport fluid by blower. Industrial blower with its strong pressure difference can realize the transportation of fluid, such as in gas station, petroleum and petrochemical industries.

