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來源:http://owlshollowfarm.com/   日期:2020-11-04   瀏覽量:0

作為空壓機的生產(chǎn)商,我們經(jīng)常接到客戶咨詢 ,公司要采購一批空壓機但是不知道怎么選擇,也不知道如何參考。德蒙為您總結(jié)一般情況下如何選擇適合的空氣壓縮機。

As an air compressor manufacturer, we often receive customer consultation, the company wants to purchase a batch of air compressors, but do not know how to choose, also do not know how to reference. Dermon summarizes how to select the suitable air compressor for you in general.


1. Select the model according to the air supply: the air supply is the key to the selection.


(1) For example, the actual gas supply is only 6 cubic meters per minute. However, purchasing an air compressor with 9 cubic meters per minute will result in a waste of air flow of 3 cubic meters per minute. Moreover, when the machine is started, it may cause shutdown or unstable gas supply due to instantaneous excessive gas supply. The excess gas will be wasted and energy consumption will be increased.

(2)因為選擇的機器 用氣量多小,供氣不足,

(2) Because the air consumption of the selected machine is small and the air supply is insufficient,

(3)設(shè)計安裝不合理,管道鋪設(shè)太長,壓力表顯示是達到相關(guān)壓力的空壓機,但是因為管道太長,氣流在傳送過程中,損耗過大,導(dǎo)致實際用氣量較小 。


(3) The design and installation is unreasonable, the pipeline laying is too long, and the pressure gauge shows that it is the air compressor that reaches the relevant pressure. However, because the pipeline is too long, the loss of air flow in the transmission process is too large, resulting in the actual gas consumption is small.


2. Need to determine the total gas consumption: determine the total gas flow of all gas consuming equipment, and multiply the total flow by a coefficient of 1.2 as a reference. Consult the relevant personnel of dermon air compressor, and recommend the machine suitable for air volume according to your specific needs.

3.符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)即GB  的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

3. Conform to the standard, namely GB standard.


4. China energy efficiency label, whether the relevant machine meets the requirements of energy saving and energy efficiency label. The application range of air compressor is very wide, 80% of the industry can be used, the proportion of power loss is very high, so the high-energy energy-saving air compressor is favored in recent years. Generally will choose energy-saving air compressor, such as: frequency conversion air compressor, oil cooling air compressor, etc.


5. It is also very important to have "own laboratory", which can reflect the strength of the company.


6. The price of direct selling by the company's manufacturers is generally better, and the later maintenance is relatively considerate. The customer service of demang comes across customers who want to repair, and the maintenance director who purchased the brand can not be found.


The use of air compressor in the selection is very important, the right selection of energy conservation and environmental protection, the wrong selection seriously affects the production efficiency of the factory. If you need to consult about air compressor selection, please contact Qingyue energy saving online customer service personnel.

